Friday, September 19, 2014

Living in the Power of praise to God !!!

There is power in Praising God! 

Hebrews 13:15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise-- the fruit of lips that confess his name.

First of all praise is to be raised to God continually regardless of our circumstances or feelings.   Psalm 71:8" My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long."  Here the Psalmist declares God's splendor all day long.  The psalmist being human must have had some rough moments in his day but he declares God's Splendor  not only when things are going well but he remembers to praise God regardless of his circumstances during the day.
 Sometimes especially when we are feeling depressed we do not feel like praising everything seems so dark, and hopeless.  The word of God is encouraging us to offer Praise as a sacrifice to God.  That is in those moments when we do not feel like life is even worth living.  It is time to praise the one who has given us life and to thank Him for His presence in our lives even if it feels like He is far away. Remember those are feelings, and feelings come and go.  Maybe you are wondering how can you praise when you are in such a dark place.  Play some praise music, read some praise psalms or ask for someone to read them to you and you will soon feel your heart bring uplifted.  Give to God a sacrifice of praise!
Praise is the fruit of the lips that confess His Name.  We enjoy fruit. For there to be fruit there must be a fruit tree that yields good healthy fruit.  Our lips are being compared to a fruit tree.  What kind of fruit are your lips yielding?  Gossip?  hateful words? words that shame others? abusive words?   God is inviting you to produce praise from your lips.  In Psalm 109:30 the psalmist writes "With my mouth I will greatly extol the LORD; in the great throng I will praise him."  Once again we are  encouraged  to praise the Lord with our mouths.  This tells me it is not enough to just think good thoughts but we need to open our mouths and declare praise to the Lord!
Bondage is broken when we praise the Lord, we enter a place of freedom and our God is glorified.
When we praise God we invite His presence to be close to us.
There is power in praise.  Let us continually offer Him the sacrifice of praise!